The Power of Being “Optimistically Discontent”

4 min readJun 23, 2020

As one of Nutrabolt’s Regional Directors of Beverage, Luc Michaud manages the relationships with our DSD partners and retail customers in the South-Central region of the U.S. to drive distribution, availability, and execution of our C4® brand.

A beverage industry lifer with nearly twenty years of sales experience, Luc credits his father for instilling in him a hard-worth ethic and relentless pursuit of improvement.

What attracted you to Nutrabolt in the first place?

LM: I had been a consumer of Nutrabolt’s products for years, but the more and more I learned about the brand, the culture, and the people, I knew this was the place I had to be. The commitment to service, passion for the mission, and focus on being a results-oriented business was the big draw for me.

You really feel like you’re a part of the team and a part of something bigger than yourself. Our culture instills in me a sense of duty to do my best every day and make a contribution to the greater good of our business and brands.

What were you like growing up?

LM: I was a very active kid. I played little league, football and hockey, was involved in the student government, did drama, and was really into music. A pursuer of many things, very much like today. My parents were very supportive. While my mom was running my sister to ballet, my dad was shuffling me around to practice, despite his long days at work. Even when coaching went beyond his skill set, he still attended every game and practice, and it means a lot to me even to this day.

What did you learn from being in drama?

LM: Drama was a good excuse to hang out with friends. I had a few speaking parts here and there, but most of my time was spent behind the scenes working on props and lighting. It really was a social thing for me but looking back it taught me a lot about communication.

A lot of what we do on the beverage side is tailoring our communication to verbal and non-verbal. You learn quickly how to read a room and see how others will respond.

What does Relentlessly Pursues Improvement mean to you?

LM: My father used to say that being optimistically discontent was a good thing and it always stuck with me. It’s another way of saying that there’s always room for improvement. Analyze your previous actions, identify the things you can improve on, and work towards seeing those improvements to completion. Take time to recognize what you’ve achieved, celebrate that…then get back to work.

C4®, America’s #1 pre-workout and fastest-growing energy drink brand
C4®, America’s #1 pre-workout and fastest-growing energy drink brand

How has your role changed over the past few months?

LM: We had so much momentum at the start of the year and then everything shut down.

Despite the circumstances, it was a good time for us to look introspectively and focus on our professional development. Because Nutrabolt offers full-time employees a paid membership to LinkedIn Learning we were able to put together 30–60–90-day plans that helped us come out with a better sales team than before. Once we were released, everyone had a more analytical approach to their goals. It’s really paid off.

What’s something you wish people knew?

LM: Even during this challenging time, I’ve been impressed with how Nutrabolt’s leadership has handled everything surrounding COVID-19. I value how concerned they’ve been about our safety and well-being.

As we’ve slowly been released to go back into the field, I’m very grateful for the safety measures they’ve provided our teams. Branded C4® masks, hand sanitizer, wipes, you name it. It’s the little details that usually have the biggest reaction when I tell people.

It’s really nice to be in a place where you feel valued.

What’s something that most people don’t know about you?

LM: Prior to starting my career in sales, I was a big history nerd and actually wanted to be a history teacher. When I realized that teaching wasn’t for me, I started getting more involved with my band at the time. We toured a bit and I think that really helped develop my salesmanship. You really have to work hard when you’re reliant on selling enough CDs and t-shirts to make enough gas money to get to the next show. That’s when my people skills really started to peak.

What is the legacy that you want to leave?

LM: I want to be remembered as someone who was a good teammate. I want people to always feel comfortable reaching out to me as a sounding board or as someone who will lend good advice. I’ll always do whatever I can to support people and want to be viewed as someone who wouldn’t ask you to do something that I wouldn’t do myself.

Join Luc and his growing Texas team by visiting




Maker of America’s #1 Selling Pre-Workout Brand, C4®.